News from Excel/Balance! SIGN HERE IF YOU LOVE AMIGA: 1. Excel/Balance 2. Action/Damage 3. Sharp/Anadune 4. tFt/.r.N.o. 5. cHRIZ/eLEMENt 6. cHUNKY/UHF 7. dWEEb/hMr 8. aCE^sESSION 9. Action/Anadune again! 10.CARP/PHUTURE 303^BAD ZONE^STROBE 11.budgie/venal^friends zone^wf - ·*· pOLANd ·*· 12.DiablO/??? si ja in de hel 13. Punisher/Instinct 14. Angeldust/Instinct ^ RNO 15. Magellan/RoYaLpc (although having a 3dfx Pentium on my desk :-) 16. [-sTRIFE^aPATHY-] nAh, it sUx!! :) 17. !Firestarter/InstincT! - The stupidest question i have ever heard.. 18. CeLIu$/Indy 19. Nemes!s/Digital and Naunce 20. Genetix/Vortex 21. Warlord/Independent 22. Duck-Hunter/Instinct 23. ·[ P¡X/SUBSPACE ]· 24. skinner/eltech - stupid question man! 25. Wizzball/Apathy! 26. Angeldust^Instinct&Rno... Twice Amiga Love!... 27. -[azzaro/mawi+link124]- 28. evan/reality+grdu 29. kEMPY/tWILIGHT_eDITORS_tEAM 30. Greg/Independent 31. tFt/rNo! (hERE I am again....last time no.4...) 32. Juhi/Independent 33. carp/apathy^whelpz (me again) 34. ash!/apathy+decree 35. roover.decree+apathy 36. kempy'kilka 37. So®dan/Amiga_Rulez 38. BaRt/ind - ( ThAnk`S you AMiga !¡! ) 93. da-rk-li-gh-t[kurvvvva!]/vizja+fonija+weeds[EEDS!] - ja wohl! 40. kempy'moons+veezya - 3rd time, nice i think =) 41. makak'terror13 42. kempy'veezya - b o r e d - b o r e d 43. makak'terror13^reason 44. lothar.appendix+moons 45. evan'dcs+mawi+nah-k. - sralis pierdalis numero due. [uno was 28.] 46. azzaro.mawi+flopi - i want to see new Balance demoproduction!